Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hannah is Coming Home!!!!

We received our call today! Hannah is coming home on Wednesday, April 18th at 1:40 p.m. to Detroit. We are all so excited for her to finally be coming home! There are four other babies coming home on that flight! We are praying we hear soon that one of the babies traveling with Hannah is Josie, a little girl that was born a day apart from Hannah. They both spent the first six months of their lives together at Korean Social Services. Stay tuned for Gotcha Day pictures! It won't be long now!
We ask that join us in praying for her continued health and safety and for her foster family as they prepare Hannah to come home to her forever family!

1 comment:

carrie said...

Let's hope those 12 days left just fly by! So happy Hannah is coming home with Josie. Can't wait till Hannah is in her family's arms. Hope the customs wait is very short!! She you at the airport:)