Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone! Last night reminded me or my childhood days, not being able to go to asleep, full of anticipation and excitement. Last night's sleeplessness wasn't for me, but for Noah and probably a little for Hannah. I wish she was here to share this beautiful day with us. Next year will surely be a whirlwind of excitement with both Noah and Hannah.

Since Noah has been in hearts, I feel a strong connection to Mary the mother of Jesus. God chose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus and I feel God has chosen me to be Noah and Hannah's mom. I just can't comprehend the joy Mary must have felt Christmas morning. I know the minute Noah was placed on my arms at Detroit Airport my life changed. I thank Mary for being so obediant and be so willing to be the Mother of Jesus.

In just a couple of hours our home will be filled with family. With the hustle and bustle of opening gifts and preparing food it will be difficult to focus on what the first Christmas morning was like. But, for a moment in my quite home, I can feel the wonder and awe that Mary must have been feeling. So much joy to be blessed with a son and yet a little anxiousness of what was to come.

I pray for today that God fills our home with joyous conversation and we all remember the true meaning of the season. As we are teachign Noah, "Today is a great birthday party, it is Jesus's birthday."

Happy Birthday dear Jesus!

Visa Approval!

On December 19, 2006, Ryan and I received our Visa Approval for in the UNCIS. Now Hannah is ready to legally enter the United States. Our paperwork is now on the way to the consulate to South Korea. It is still going to be a few months before Hannah arrives, but this is another important step in the process that is completed. We are so blessed that we have another step completed in bringing our baby girl home.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An Update!!!!

We received an update today of pictures and an update report on Hannah Soo Min Cook. the update and pictures are from November 10, 2006. At that time she weighed 14.74 pounds and was 24.49 inches long. We got a great report and she seems to be happy and healthy! Enjoy the pictures!