Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's February!!!

January did fly by! 20 little ones came home to their forever families. Now we sit and wait to see if we are one of the families in February to get their travel call. I feel as if there is a slight chance, but in my heart know that it will probably be March instead. I am so anxious for the February calls to be made.

Hannah turned 7 months old yesterday. It was nice that mom got to celebrate the day with a snow day. It has been fun this week to have two days in a row where I could be at home with Noah. He is such a joy to us. I am a little concerned that when Hannah comes, his adjustment may be hard for him. I am praying that he loves his sister dearly and wants her to stay.

I need to remember God's timing is perfect and I truly know that. Please continue to join us in praying for Hannah's health and her safety. I also pray that she somehow can feel our love that we have for her clear across the world!

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